Advocating for Your Rights: How to Improve Your Quality of Life in a Nursing Home or Assisted Living
January 22, 2025
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By Mary Day

If you live in a nursing home and are dissatisfied with the quality of care or quality of life, there are a few things you can do. Firstly, you can participate in the monthly Resident Council meetings. The nursing home is required to provide the necessary space and assistance to conduct a meeting of residents. The council is run by residents and any topic is open for discussion. Minutes are kept to record issues and progress.
Secondly, you can file a formal grievance. This is a written document detailing your problem or concern, which must be submitted to the Administrator. The Administrator is required to reply in writing, in a timely manner, to the resident.
Finally, you can call the Long-Term Care Ombudsman for a confidential talk about your concerns and your rights as a resident. If you want their help, the ombudsman will work with you. With your permission, they will handle complaints on your behalf and act as a negotiator, forwarding your needs, concerns, and goals directly to the nursing home, home health agencies, and other providers of long-term care.